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Abstracts Selected for Platform Presentation

Sigrid Baumgartner et al. : Evolvement of LV pumping during transition-adaptation in PDA physiology and pathophysiology.


Reem Amer et al. : Effect of vasopressin in hypoxic PPHN.


Neidin Bussman et al. : Early diastolic dysfunction and respiratory morbidity in premature infants: an observational study.


Sebastien Joye et al. : Association of transitional hemoglobin and spontaneous closure of the ductus arteriosus in very low birthweight infants.

Abstracts Selected for Poster Presentation

Narges Afshar et al. : A lung ultrasound severity score predicts the response to treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants.


Reem Amer et al. : Integrated evaluation by intestinal ultrasound and near infrared spectroscopy predicts compromised intestinal performance in preterm infants with feeding intolerance.


Soume Bhattacharya et al. : Use of pulmonary artery Doppler waveform parameters in estimating pulmonary pressures in neonates.


Soume Bhattacharya et al. : Cardiovascular derangements in neonatal herpes infection.


Tejasvi Chaudhari et al. : Noradrenaline in preterm infants with cardiovascular compromise.


Steven Cho et al. : Impact of abnormal diastolic flow in the middle cerebral artery on neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants with persistent exposure to a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus.


Poorva Deshpande et al. : Feasibility of combined multi-modal cerebral monitoring and serial hemodynamic assessment in first seventy-two hours of life in extremely low gestational age infants.


Krishna Gopagondanahlli et al. : Paracetamol for ductal closure - an experience from a tertiary neonatal center in Singapore.


Sharada Gowda et al. : Dexmedetomidine does not decrease benzodiazepine exposure for neonates after cardiac surgery.


Daniel Ibarra Rios et al. : Targeted neonatal echocardiography (TnECHO) in the neonatal intensive care unit: 1-year experience in a tertiary level unit in Mexico City.


Bonny Jasani et al. : Effect of hemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus on Doppler flow patterns of pulmonary veins in preterm infants.


Bonny Jasani et al. : High dose versus standard dose Ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants - a meta-analysis.


Bonny Jasani et al. : Paracetamol for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants - A meta-analysis.


Ashraf Kharrat et al. : Clinical burden of postnatally acquired acute cardiopulmonary critical illness among preterm neonates of < 32 weeks gestational age.


Kata Kovacs et al. : Serum cortisol levels in asphyxiated infants with hypotension.


Kata Kovacs et al. : Hydrocortisone treatment in systemic low blood pressure during hypothermia in asphyxiated newborns (CORTISoL trial).


Jin Sohn et al. : Association between clinical factors related to late-onset circulatory collapse and brain damage in preterm infants.


Karl McNamara et al. : Validation of right ventricular output calculation in a cohort of healthy neonates. 


Kodur Vinayak et al. : Echocardiography features of infant of diabetic mother as compared to healthy full-term controls.

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